1. What is 1688.com?
1688 is the Chinese version of Alibaba.com. Currently, 1688 is only in Chinese, and it doesn’t have an English version – unlike Alibaba.com which operates in multiple languages.
2. How to buy from 1688.com from Philippines?
If you want to buy from 1688 in Philippines, we recommend using the ordering agent services to bring goods to Philippines without the problem of custom. The ordering agent service is very good and the service charges are friendly. If you have a ordering agent, you can avoid getting scams. Next are the 4 steps to buy from 1688.com from Philippines.
- Step 1. Translations from Chinese into the English language
1688 website is all in Chinese language, none is in the English language. Therefore, you need to download a Google browser (Chrome Web Browser) to make translations from Chinese into the English language
- Step 1. Translations from Chinese into the English language
1688 website is all in Chinese language, none is in the English language. Therefore, you need to download a Google browser (Chrome Web Browser) to make translations from Chinese into the English language
- Step 2. Search for the products
I would suggest that you search for the keywords in Chinese (through Google translation into Chinese keywords: Google translator).
I would suggest that you search for the keywords in Chinese (through Google translation into Chinese keywords: Google translator).
- Step 3. Compare the price and check the product details
Use price converter, through Order tool to compare prices and when acquiring products. View the product specifications, such as color, size, and minimum order quantity.
Use price converter, through Order tool to compare prices and when acquiring products. View the product specifications, such as color, size, and minimum order quantity.
- Step 4. Collect those 1688 products links and send them to the ordering agent
Send your desired product link, size, and color to your ordering agent. Then, the agent will help you check with the suppliers, stock and Chinese domestic shipping fee. You will pay a certain amount as a deposit or pay your entire order for the agent to pay the supplier. At last, they will bundle all the products ship to you.
Send your desired product link, size, and color to your ordering agent. Then, the agent will help you check with the suppliers, stock and Chinese domestic shipping fee. You will pay a certain amount as a deposit or pay your entire order for the agent to pay the supplier. At last, they will bundle all the products ship to you.
3. What is the different between Alibaba and 1688?
The difference between Alibaba is that 1688 is a network used primarily for domestic Chinese suppliers. As a result, you’ll find that prices there are lower – and with better bargain deals that suit a supplier’s goals. Alternatively, Alibaba.com has an international focus. Instead of giving you Chinese suppliers only, it gives you a larger map of markets to work with.
4. What is ordering agent?
A ordering or sourcing agent means adding a transit party between the 1688.com merchant and the purchaser, so that when the 1688 merchant cannot directly deliver the goods to the purchaser through the existing logistics methods, it can use this 1688 agency to indirectly deliver the goods to the purchaser to ensure the safety of funds.
5. Can I review information on a 1688.com supplier?
Yes. You can try to verify a supplier’s information by heading to their 1688 store…
- Open the vendor’s home page.
- Click “Company” – then “View Business Registration Information”.
- View all the registration info of the business.
You can check their registration date, capital available, and address.
- Click “Company” – then “View Business Registration Information”.
- View all the registration info of the business.
You can check their registration date, capital available, and address.
6. Do 1688's suppliers understand English?
Most of them don't. Unlike Alibaba, which is explicitly designed with an international audience in mind (resulting in the majority of suppliers on Alibaba.com being able to communicate in English), 1688 operates differently.
Nevertheless, the language barrier need not pose a significant challenge. There are several steps you can take to overcome this issue:
- Prior to finalizing your order, make contact with the supplier and verify their ability to communicate in English.
- Utilize Google Translate to facilitate conversations with your clients.
- Consider enlisting the assistance of a 1688 purchase agent to help streamline the process.
7. What is the best agent to buy on 1688?
The best agents specializing in 1688 procurement primarily emphasize delivering quality and dependable services at a cost-effective rate. They offer a comprehensive service package that encompasses everything, ranging from sourcing on 1688 to product inspection, warehouse storage, order consolidation, repackaging, and finally, international shipping.
The best agents specializing in 1688 procurement primarily emphasize delivering quality and dependable services at a cost-effective rate. They offer a comprehensive service package that encompasses everything, ranging from sourcing on 1688 to product inspection, warehouse storage, order consolidation, repackaging, and finally, international shipping.
8. Why do I need a buying agent for 1688?
Because 1688 seller cannot send abroad directly. A good ordering agent can help you with secure payments, fast shipping from China, and assist you in handling complaints with suppliers in Chinese.
9. Is it reliable to make purchasing from 1688.com?
If you live in China and directly place orders, it is reliable because 1688.com provides buyers’ protection. If you are abroad, you may need the help of ordering agents to ensure safety.
10. Buying Guide: Here's How to BUY GOODS from 1688?
You can read this instruction to learn more about: How to buy from 1688?
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Hotline: 09678-603-528 // Email: tit247orderservice@gmail.com